Today I was on a shoot, working hard, when my my thong broke! My flip flop thong… dirty minds.
No sweat, I like to work barefoot anyway. The weird thing is that it happened just in time. Well, sort of… I just sent my 6 letters out to friends to spread the word about the flip flop exchange that I participated in. I could potentially get 36 pairs of flip flops! Now I know, I know… it’s a chain letter. BUT IT INVOLVES FLIP FLOPS! I couldn’t resist. Who could turn down the chance of getting 36 pairs of flip flops, for the price of one pair. Not me!
Unfortunately, I didn’t get any today, and I had to go buy a new pair before my second session. Aren’t they cute? Yeah, yeah, they are not too far in appearance from my last pair.
Hey, that’s what I am banking on the flip flop exchange for. I will keep everybody updated on all of the fun, and awesome flip flops I get. Stay tuned!

NikkiHey Girlie, Way too cute! I love them! You can count me in on the flip flop exchange if it comes around again!!! Ive done the dishtowels lottery tickets recipes, but FLIP FLOPS awesome! Are you sure you didnt come up with that one yourself? Im stuck on the Jcrew ones myself, gonna have to try the reefs you seem to like em! Hope we get some sun soon!!!!! Nikki 🙂