What are the first thoughts that come to mind when you really want to do something, but there is fear surrounding actually taking the leap and doing it? Do you self-sabotage? Do you start thinking of all the reasons why you can’t do that thing or why you don’t deserve the end results? I live between these two schools of thought: fear of failure and fear of success. My fear of failure usually out-battles my fear of success, but it is just that… a battle of fears in my head. It’s so easy to come up with excuses and try to talk ourselves out of things, especially when it comes to self-care and putting ourselves first.
No client experience is ever the same. However, after years of asking clients what was holding them back from booking their session here are the top 5 reasons I heard for procrastinating. Are you guilty of any of these thoughts?
- I don’t have anyone to do this for. – Uummmmm, yeah you do. YOU!!!! Schedule a boudoir session just for you, girlfriend. Yes, I have clients that book sessions for the purpose of giving an album to a partner. But even those clients end up telling me that the shoot was just as much of a gift to them as it was for their partner. They may not realize it at first, but this is what I’ve heard… “After my session, I felt amazing. It raised my confidence and not only did my partner notice, but my friends and co-workers saw a difference in me!” – K.L. So, do this for you. And as a bonus, you’ll have something to give to that special someone, if you choose.
- I just need to lose another X # of pounds, or can you photoshop X # of pounds off of me? – Psst, come closer for this one. No, really, this might be hard to hear. You are gorgeous just the way you are. I know, you’re probably thinking, “Yeah, yeah,…you’re just saying that because it’s your job.” Uh, no! I say it because it’s true. For Real – YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! Don’t get me wrong, if you have a weight goal you are striving and working towards, you go girl! Crush it! But know this, boudoir is not about perfection. If that was the case I would be out of business, because there is NO SUCH THING. Boudoir is a celebration of you, right here, at this very moment in your life’s journey, just the way you are. It’s about showing up and being brave enough to love, honor and accept the body that carries you through your day-to-day life.
- I don’t look like the women I see in your photos. – Oh, really? Well, they didn’t think so either!!!! We are our own worst critic. I get it, you want nothing more than for your photos to come out looking great… and you’re probably thinking , “Well, I only need a handful of good images”, right?! Trust in me. I want nothing more than for you to see the beautiful you that others see. My job is to guide you through your session and make sure that you look and feel amazing. Will you be nervous? Absolutely! Every woman that walks through my door is a bit nervous. Will you feel awkward at first? Yes! Will your photos come out looking F…ing gorgeous? HELL YEAH! I got your back… and your backside, lol. So, don’t fret. You’re gonna slay the day!
- Can I afford this? – Carving out time for ourselves and doing things that make us feel good about ourselves is a necessity, not vanity. It’s also something that is overlooked, undervalued, and rarely a priority for women. I have learned over the years that when I take care of myself and do things that make me feel good, all is well in the world around me. Do you deny yourself a trip to the massage therapist or your chiropractor when you are all kinked up? Do you neglect your hair and nails if you have an event to go to? When I am pushed to the point of pain or the, “Oh, shit I gotta make myself presentable” moment, is when I realize that I have neglected taking care of myself. I also notice the effects of that neglect by how I show up in the world and for others. It’s a perception of value. My team and I work very hard to provide so much more than a few pretty pics. We offer an experience that makes you the priority. Booking a photoshoot can be an investment, but it’s one that is totally worth it. However, you do want to make sure it’s the right time for you and your budget, and I totally get that. I accept all major credit cards in addition to offering payment plan options through PayPal Credit. Let’s chat and figure out the best investment plan for you!
- I am not in the right headspace. – All the more reason to book a shoot. It’s ok to not be ok. We all have our highs and lows. What I have found is that at those low points, stepping outside of our comfort zone can be exactly what we need. Being bold and being vulnerable can happen simultaneously. Everyday I see women walk through my door with butterflies in their stomach and sometimes tears in their eyes. Stepping outside your comfort zone, pushing past those self-set limits and quieting that inner voice can be scary. However, it can also be key to setting a new and better path for ourselves. I want to shine a torch on all that is beautiful and amazing about YOU! BECAUSE YOU ARE GORGEOUS INSIDE & OUT! Need a little time to plant that self-empowerment seed and let it take root. I’ll be here when it sprouts and you’re ready to help nurture it into full bloom.
It’s time to CELEBRATE YOU and YOUR JOURNEY (scars, laugh-lines, and all). This isn’t vanity. This is EMPOWERMENT, and YOU ARE WORTH IT! Don’t let another day go by battling self-sabotaging excuses.
To learn more about booking with me and my team click below.