Yes, it was a happy birthday.
Thank you to all of you that sent me wonderful birthday wishes.
I was so pooped from all of the day’s excitement that I still have not scratched all of my bday scratch offs.
What a great day! I woke up to a new iPod(Nano)… before this I had the original 1st generation iPod. I know, so out dated. I couldn’t believe how light the Nano was! Evreytime I tried to run with my old iPod it pulled my pants down. With my Nano in hand and a GC for new music I was ready to start my day off. My hubby even cooked me an egg-white omelette. Ok, that’s nothing new… he does all of the cooking. Damn, I have it good!
Every year Jeremy and I go crabbing for my birthday. It has nothing to do with with the fact that I am a crab, but I always wonder if that helps with the catching. Although this year we went a day early it was just as fun and relaxing. We caught 35 keepers in under 2 hrs this year.
After spending the day relaxing on the beach (what a perfect day for it) we went home to pick the crab we caught the day before. I remember this being fun in the past, but for some reason yesterday it seemed a bit tedious. It definitely made going out to dinner worth it : )
One of our usual places, Teak, was absolutely delicious as expected. I can’t seem to steer away from the crispy rock shrimp appetizer, and the sesame crusted tuna entree. The tuna is the best I’ve had… EVER! Since I am from New Orleans, and have eaten only fish as my meat for 15 years I consider myself a bit of a seafood connoisseur… or snob. My husband, has dubbed me a ” vegaquarian”, meaning I am a vegetarian that eats dairy and fish.
Well, this vegaquarian is looking forward to the awesome crab cakes her husband makes every year! Look at all of that crab meat we picked.